Kelly Sigler

Events Calendar


April 19-21

Magnolia Spring Classic Arabian Horse Show

Ganador will be showing in Western Dressage as well as doing a special demo with his Menorcan Fiesta Tack and a Liberty Demo! We will also be hosting a meet and greet wine and cheese hour 🙂

Georgia National Fairgrounds and AgriCenter
Perry, GA

Devon Horse Show

September 23-26

USDF Breeders Championship Series Qualifier and East Coast Final. Three days of competition features foals, young horses, and mature breeding stock from all breeds competing for a championship spot in the USDFBCS East Coast Final.

Ibericon & Dressage Show

October 17-20

Come meet Ganador and Zar at the World Equestrian Center during Ibericon! They have been selected to perform in the Spectacular! Ganador will also participate in the USDF recognized show immediately following at WEC.

Fill out the 'Sign-up' form

Arrange the Payment

Click on the button, and finish the payment of the selected event on Venmo website.

Fill out and send the LIABILITY RELEASE FORM

Click on the button, and download the LIABILITY RELEASE FORM! Fill out and sign, and please send me by email or mail!

Introducing the Looking Glass Farm Schooling Days
soon to be a Schooling Series!

September 21st- 9 am to 2 pm

Open Schooling Day/Open House. The new Stadium Course and Working Equitation Course will be open for schooling as well as our obstacle course and large and small dressage ring! Your also welcome to meet the Menorcans before the head to Devon to compete. We will have a bbq lunch following. Please pm me to RSVP.
Cost: $35 includes lunch

October 26th

Spooky Schooling and Mad Hatter Tea Party! Pm to RSVP!
9:30-11:00 mini clinic on how to correctly approach the Working Equitation obstacles and what to do if your horse is nervous.
Cost: $40

11:00- 12:30

Mad Hatter Tea Party
We will have a Tea Party complete with croquet that you play on or off your horse.
Of course we will have little sandwiches and tea party goodies.
Tea party with clinic and schooling the stadium and dressage: $60
Just schooling stadium and dressage: $15
Just the tea party: $15
Ideas and suggestions for future plans are welcome! We are planning to start a schooling series 2025!


Fill out the Registration form

Arrange the Payment

Click on the button, and finish the payment of the selected event on Venmo website.

or can send a check to : Kelly Sigler Patterson, 289 Daytona Road, Wagener, SC 29164

Fill out and send the LIABILITY RELEASE FORM

Click on the button, and download the LIABILITY RELEASE FORM! Fill out and sign, and please send me by email or mail!