Kelly Sigler

Happy Horse Happy Life

Linda Parelli’s new brainchild, Happy Horse Happy Life,
is a big leap forward in the Natural Horsemanship world.

The basic three principals are – Empathy, Relaxation and Responsiveness.  Rather than going through “levels” as you did in the Parelli program, the focus is building a relationship targeted on where the holes is in you and your horse’s relationship.
For example: If your horse is spooky, we go to the root of the problem….your horse does not understand the difference between pressure and what is NOT pressure, so we that is our first hole to fix….
Your horse is dull and unresponsive….we focus on on respect, space and snappy responses.
Your horse is scared of X…we make X a sweet spot.


To learn more about the Happy Horse Happy life philosophy and training program you can click here for a FREE 14 DAY TRIAL of the Happy Horse Happy Life Membership.  Have a good look around the website an experience the commuity, key note courses and learning videos and much more.      

To purchase the new HHHL 52 Challenges book or some stylish logo’d clothing and more, you can go through my referral link, click the shop button below!  You will get the best price if you are a member and you will also be supporting me each time you purchase.  Thank you very much! 

Use this code: F8F9221C9C5