Kelly Sigler

Liberty Clinic

Liberty Clinics

This clinic is designed to for students who have started their horses online and are ready to go to the next level! We work as a group in the morning, and then everyone has a 1/2 hour private lessons. Class is limited to 8. Starting online, I will show you how to test for the connection you will need to go to liberty. We will learn the basics in the round pen, including:
How to create draw
Driving the hindquarters and forequarters
Stick to me (The horse walks, trots and even canters next to you)
Playing with obstacles- cones, jumps, barrels, and the big ball!
Circling- transitions and change of direction

More Advanced….
The following can be added to the intro clinic if students have had liberty experience and show competence in basics listed above:
-The Spin
-Trot and Canter to you
-Liberty in larger spaces
-Teaching the horse to Hunt the Jump
-Spanish Walk
-Beginning of Passage
-Sideways to you
-Close range circle (horse circles closely around you)