Liberty Clinics
This clinic is designed to for students who have started their horses online and are ready to go to the next level! We work as a group in the morning, and then everyone has a 1/2 hour private lessons. Class is limited to 8. Starting online, I will show you how to test for the connection you will need to go to liberty. We will learn the basics in the round pen, including:
How to create draw
Driving the hindquarters and forequarters
Stick to me (The horse walks, trots and even canters next to you)
Playing with obstacles- cones, jumps, barrels, and the big ball!
Circling- transitions and change of direction
More Advanced….
The following can be added to the intro clinic if students have had liberty experience and show competence in basics listed above:
-The Spin
-Trot and Canter to you
-Liberty in larger spaces
-Teaching the horse to Hunt the Jump
-Spanish Walk
-Beginning of Passage
-Sideways to you
-Close range circle (horse circles closely around you)